End of a Spooky Hollow Era

Signed a contract with a buyer today to buy my beloved property. Bittersweet moment.

Oh how I struggled with this. Today I feel the pain of leaving my sanctuary. I do not have room in my heart to think of the future possibilities.

Back in 2009, my husband and I were looking for a place to buy. We were shown this property. Famous last words from me, “No way on God’s green earth am I moving into that country bumpkin place.” God has a sense of humor. We put an offer in on another place. All was in the works.


My husband was laid off. Only place we could afford on my salary was – you guessed it. This scary piece of property I dubbed Spooky Hollow. I would not even invite friends over because I was so embarrassed by this place. Shame on me, because this was a blessing from God.

God’s plan is better than mine. My family had a blast. We had beautiful vegetable gardens and chickens. I raised my two oldest grandkids here. I learned I wasn’t really a city girl. My country girl heart blossomed. When I turned on my dirt road I immediately forgot a hectic day. This was my pace. This was my safe haven. We made a bunch of memories. I had lots of stories to tell.

Life changes. Time to move on. I grudgingly made the decision a few months ago. I accepted the offer today. Moving on to new things. Moving to new places – not sure where – but somewhere.

I’ve taken interest in new things – my health for one. Taking my life back. Time for me. I have the time and I have the money. I joined a group. I exercise from home. I have lost almost 35 pounds and 25″ in 5 months. I’ve become a BODi coach so I can empower other women to do the same.

God takes care of me. He took care of me all those years at Spooky Hollow and I have complete faith I will find happiness in my next adventure. I am sure He will let me see the joy in my new surroundings. I will make new memories and have new stories to tell. Stay tuned!


Want to join part of my health adventure? Not much compares to feeling good in your own skin. I started 5 months ago, age 62, terribly out of shape and no energy. I now exercise at least 5 days a week for 30 minutes. I am down 2 sizes in clothes and that alone makes everything worth it. I attend a zoom nutrition class every Tuesday night. I eat better. My grocery bill is lower. My skin looks great. I have energy. Invest in yourself. I’m glad I did. Our partner community inspires and takes care of each other.

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