Re-Enter the Dating World – at my age?!?!?!?!

My friends and I were discussing re-entering the dating world – in our 60s. I cannot wrap my brain around this. A lot has changed since the 1970s! Dating apps! I cannot wrap my head around that either. I just cannot bring myself to participate in this. What would my profile say? I quickly ticked off 10 items:

(1) Looking for single, mature man with no addictions (including, but not limited to, alcohol, drugs, gambling…). (2) Looking to share love of vegetable gardening. (3) Looking to share love of planting rose bushes, and killing said rose bushes. (4) I love to fish. But you must touch the worms and take my fish off the line. (5) Looking for someone who can accept that I am the Queen of Corny Jokes. (6) Looking for someone to pick me up when I fall. Literally, because I am a natural at tripping over flat surfaces. (7) Looking for someone to take a road trip with, and accept the fact I miss most of my exits, get lost quite a bit, and confuse GPS to the point she quits speaking to me. (8) Looking for someone who knows how to administer first aid for when I badly cut, or burn myself, in the kitchen. (9) Looking for someone who knows how to use a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, and change the batteries in the smoke detector. (10) Looking for someone who can just tolerate overall goofiness.

I would polish it off with: Sometimes I have family drama. I am sure you do too. Let’s get together in my kitchen to talk about it and I will burn, I mean cook, supper for you……

I think I rather the old days when you met someone at church, school, or a bar! Problem is, I am too comfortable in my house and do not want to go out and socialize to meet people. I am a great grandma for gosh sakes!

But with age comes wisdom. I have let go of past mistakes. They do not define me. I have re-set the clock. But am I ready to begin dating again?

Not just yet. At least I do not think I am.

I am still working on me – a work in progress. I’ve done the therapy. I’ve done the reconnecting with friends from my past. And now my latest call to action is my health. I pay attention to proper nutrition and I exercise.

Maybe I will take a cooking class next, instead of dating, and burn up someone else’s kitchen.


Want to join me in this health adventure? Not much compares to feeling good in your own skin. Age has nothing to do with this. I started 5 months ago, age 62, terribly out of shape and no energy. I now exercise at least 5 days a week for 30 minutes. I am down 2 sizes in clothes and that alone makes everything worth it. I attend a zoom nutrition class every Tuesday night with my health coach. I eat better. My grocery bill is lower. My skin looks great. I have energy. Invest in yourself. I’m glad I did. Our partner community inspires and takes care of each other.

$179 for a year of the BODi app (formerly Beachbody) – has thousands of workouts, recipes, meditation – you name it! This includes your 1st month of Shakeology (CLEAN ingredients – packed with tons of vitamins and nutrients, including prebiotic and probiotics).

Send me an email and I will send you some information about my group:

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